Spring in Richmond
Rocketts Landing
Finally, finally, finally~it’s spring in Richmond (no jinx). After 3 straight weeks of sub-zero temperatures, accumulating snow and ice storms, singing song birds and bouncy robins came out in droves, the daffodils all poke from underground and the sun shone every so brightly!
Daffodils Rockett Landing
Blues skies abound and the James River at Rocketts Landing pulled our car in as we headed off on Saturday errands. It was a pitt stop we were more than happy to make. The area is so rich in its history. We walked around and talked about the wars and wondered how many men-how much blood was shed underfoot. My husband even shed a tear gazing at the American Flag wind-ripping into the backdrop of the bright blues of the sky. (It’s up there-look carefully.)
Libby Hill Richmond VA
Avoiding the several inches of thick mud, we laughed as seagulls claimed their skyzone aloft before swooping down to bob on the very high and swift rapids of the James that day. No sooner did their body hit water after fighting the wind and they were zooming south in backwards motion only to start all over again. I don’t think they made any real progress, but it was fun to watch. Apparently they were enjoy the first signs of spring as much as anybody out there. So, we walked, we discovered, we touched everything along the path, attempted to climb trees, scraped knees, mounted pretty steep steps, admired the city, took in the riverscapes and saw the barren winter trees with a promise that new life is right around the corner. I’m so thankful for a day to be out and to be with my family! If you haven’t been down around the area lately, go check out Rocketts Landing and take a stroll. You’ll be happy you did!